Update of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Local Plan (2011-2029) and Viscount Lymington and Trustees of the Portsmouth Settled Estates
Viscount Lymington and the Trustees of the Portsmouth Settled Estates continue to develop the vision for the proposed Upper Swallick Garden Community and have now produced a Prospectus to accompany the original Concept Document, published in June 2020.
The Prospectus is not a detailed technical document but a reflection of the influencing factors and feedback, that the Upper Swallick Team have considered during the last twelve months.
In continuing this work Portsmouth Estates have confirmed various commitments they intend to implement. As Master Developer, Portsmouth Estates will:
- Deliver key infrastructure in advance of new homes
- 'Raise the Bar' of development standards
- Strive to implement the recommendations of the 'Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission'
- Ensure Upper Swallick fully integrates with the wider economic and housing vision for Basingstoke
- Respect the character and setting of existing rural villages
- Provide a range of housing types including opportunities for affordable housing linked to local incomes
- Use a 'Design Code' to ensure high quality architecture for the lifetime of the development
- Provide a central Enterprise Hub
- Improve existing cycling and walking routes
- Explore Modern Methods of Construction, self-build and opportunities for local and SME housebuilders and tradespeople, including apprenticeships
- Assist in delivering viable Mass Rapid Transport Links and a Park and Ride site to serve the south of the town
- Plant appropriate species of tree in advance of any construction to enhance the existing native woodland areas and to assist in carbon sequestration
- Deliver a biodiversity net gain, measured through 'Natural Capital Accounting'
- Embrace known clean energy options as well as provide flexibility for future and emerging technologies
- Provide Mass e-charging for vehicles
To be known as 'Upper Swallick Garden Community' the proposal is for up to 2,500 homes, retail and employment and associated infrastructure. This Garden Community differs from many conventional developments in that the proposal is on land under the sole ownership of the Estate, and therefore gives freedom and choice as to the type of development proposed that is not always available elsewhere.
It must be emphasised that these proposals are at an extremely early stage and subject to the Council’s update of the Local Plan. However, at the appropriate time there will be a comprehensive programme of information, engagement and consultation with the community and stakeholders.
The Concept Document for the Upper Swallick Garden Community, first published in June 2020, can be found here
Details and timings of Basingstoke and Deane’s Update of the Local Plan can be found here: